April Fools’ day is gone and now we get back to more serious things.
The integration between FSEconomy and REP’s Economy System is now available with the Reality Expansion Pack v4.1.0.
Again, many thanks to the guys at FSEconomy for putting so much efforts to let this become real!
I’d like to thank all the users than tested this while in public beta and reported all the issues they found. 🙂
The update is available for all the REPs at the X-Plane.org Store as well using the SkunkCrafts Updater plugin.
FSEconomy as your bank account
Now REP provides three ways of functioning:
- No Economy System: fix things via the Maintenance Report on the fly
- REP’s Standalone Economy System: the one you already know and that has not changed right now. Fly, get rewards, spend your money to fix/upgrade your airplane
- FSEconomy: like the standalone one but uses the FSEconomy bank account and provides no rewards (in fact, FSEconomy already does).

You can switch between different economy systems by disabling the current one and choosing the new one in the Maintenance Report window.
Some other minor updates
We improved the Cessna 172SP flight model again and now it’s more realistic and fun to fly than ever! We worked on the flaps pitch effect and on the side slip dynamics.
Some other minor modifications to the flight model are coming to the Cessna Centurion for XP11 as well. If you fly it, be sure to not miss them!
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