the new version is now out. It’s a free upgrade for current users. See what’s new in V2.0.
REP v2.0 is now out for the C210. The Bo is turning final!

the new version is now out. It’s a free upgrade for current users. See what’s new in V2.0.
We are going to expand the REP saga to the Carenado’s F33A Bonanza. Why the Bonanza instead of the Baron, the C337, the brand new T182T or any other airplane? The choice for us was straightforward. You’ll find out that
The third tutorial: how to land the REP Cessna Centurion. Learn how to do a proper descent and how to land at your destination safely.
The second tutorial about the REP Cessna Centurion: climb and cruise. We show you how to keep the engine cool while going up to the flight levels.
The first part of the Centurion How To: Startup and Takeoff.