The Red Box is a set of potentially harmful power/mixture regimes. You can, therefore, extend your engine life if you stay away from the Red Box as long as possible.

The power settings given by the performance tables will put you right inside the red box. In fact, engine manufacturers wrote down those tables when the today knowledge about internal combustion engine was not available. Then, the introduction of modern engine monitors showed that the power settings given by manufacturers are – sometimes – the worst.

When you get an in-flight tip about the Red Box, enrich or lean the mixture until it goes away.

Insights about the Red Box and mixture leaning

If you’re interested to know more about the Red Box, please read this article (scroll down to “The Dangerous Red Box” paragraph): Where should I run my engine?

If you want to learn more about correctly leaning the mixture and stay away from the Red Box, please read this article on our blog: How To: Lean the Mixture

Category: Engine, Reality Expansion Pack

← I get a tip message about a “Red Box”. What is that?
I get a tip message about a “Red Box”. What is that?